
/hay"gahr, -geuhr/, n.
the mother of Ishmael. Gen. 16.

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biblical figure
also spelled  Agar,  

      in the Old Testament (Gen. 16:116; 21:821), Abraham's (Abraham) concubine and the mother of his son Ishmael. Purchased in Egypt, she served as a maid to Abraham's childless wife, Sarah, who gave her to Abraham to conceive an heir. When Hagar became pregnant, her meek manner changed to arrogance; with Abraham's reluctant permission, Sarah treated her so harshly that she fled into the wilderness. There, by a spring of water, she was found by an angel of the Lord, who told her to return home and promised her that she would have many descendants through a son, Ishmael; he would grow up to be awild ass of a man,” in constant struggle with all other men. Hagar returned home to bear her child.

      About 14 years after the birth of Ishmael, Isaac, Abraham's son with whom God had promised to make a covenant, was born to Sarah. One day Sarah saw Isaac and Ishmael playing together and, fearing that Ishmael would also become an heir, sent the son and mother into the desert. There God sustained them and was with Ishmael until he grew up. The Jews believed that Ishmael was the ancestor of a number of Bedouin peoples dwelling in southern Palestine. There are also legends stating that Ishmael was an ancestor of Muḥammad (Muhammad).

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