
/hah gah nah"/, n.
the underground Jewish militia in Palestine (1920-48) that became the national army of Israel after the partition of Palestine in 1948.
[ < ModHeb hagana lit., defense, Heb hagannah]

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(192048) Zionist military organization.

It was organized to combat the attacks of Palestinian Arabs on Jewish settlements, and it effectively defended them despite being outlawed by the British authorities and being poorly armed. Through World War II (193945) its activities were moderate by contrast with more extreme Zionist militias, but it turned to terrorism after the war when the British refused to permit unlimited Jewish immigration to Palestine. In 1947 it clashed openly with British forces and with the forces of the Palestinian Arabs and their allies. When Israel became a state in 1948, Haganah became the core of its national army. See also Irgun Zvai Leumi.

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Zionist military organization
      (Hebrew:Defense”), Zionist military organization representing the majority of the Jews in Palestine from 1920 to 1948. Organized to combat the revolts of Palestinian Arabs against the Jewish settlement of Palestine, it early came under the influence of the Histadrut (“General Federation of Labour”). Although it was outlawed by the British Mandatory authorities and was poorly armed, it managed effectively to defend Jewish settlements.

      The Haganah's activities were moderate, at least until the end of World War II, in accord with the organized Jewish community's policy of havlaga (“self-restraint”); it opposed the political philosophy and terrorist activities of the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang. The general membership of the Haganah served on a part-time basis; in 1941, a full-time commando force, the Palmach (Hebrew acronym for Pluggot Machatz, “Shock Companies”) was organized. After World War II, when the British refused to open Palestine to unlimited Jewish immigration, the Haganah turned to terrorist activities, bombing bridges, rail lines, and ships used to deportillegalJewish immigrants.

      After the United Nations' decision to partition Palestine (1947), the Haganah came into the open as the defense force of the Jewish state; it clashed openly with British forces and successfully overcame the military forces of the Palestinian Arabs and their allies. By the time of the creation of the State of Israel (1948) the Haganah controlled not only most of the settled areas allocated to Israel by the partition but also such Arab cities as ʿAkko (Acre) and Yafo (Jaffa). By order of the provisional government of Israel (May 31, 1948) the Haganah as a private organization was dissolved and became the national army of the state. Its name is perpetuated in the official name of the Israeli armed services, Tzva Haganah le-Yisraʾel (“Israel Defense Forces”).

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