- gyrfalcon
/jerr"fawl'keuhn, -fal'-, -faw'keuhn/, n.a large falcon, Falco rusticolus, of arctic and subarctic regions, having white, gray, or blackish color phases: now greatly reduced in number.Also, gerfalcon.[1300-50; ME gerfaucon, jerfacoun < MF, OF, equiv. to ger- (perh. < OHG giri greedy) + faucon FALCON; cf. ON geirfalki]
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It may reach 2 ft (60 cm) in length. It breeds only in the North Pole region (and in some Central Asian highlands) but is sometimes seen at lower latitudes when food is scarce. It varies from pure white with black speckling to dark gray with barring. Its legs are fully feathered. It hunts near the ground for hares, rodents, and birds of the tundra and seacoast. In traditional falconry, the gyrfalcon was the bird of kings.Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) with prey.Shelly Grossman/Woodfin Camp & Associates* * *
▪ bird(Falco rusticolus), Arctic bird of prey of the family Falconidae, the world's largest falcon (q.v.). The gyrfalcon may reach 60 cm (2 feet) in length. Confined as a breeder to the circumpolar region except for isolated populations in Central Asian highlands, it is sometimes seen at lower latitudes in winters when food is scarce. The gyrfalcon varies from pure white with black speckling to dark gray with barring. The legs are fully feathered.The gyrfalcon hunts near the ground for hares, rodents, and birds of the tundra and seacoast. Its only rival is the higher flying peregrine falcon. In traditional falconry, the gyrfalcon was the bird of kings. The gyrfalcon is now the official mascot of the U.S. Air Force Academy.* * *
Universalium. 2010.