
/jin'i koh mas"tee euh, guy'ni-, juy'ni-/, n.
abnormal enlargement of the breast in a male.
Also, gynecomasty /jin"i keuh mas'tee, guy"ni-, juy"ni-/.
[1880-85; < NL; see GYNECO-, MAST-, -IA]

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Breast enlargement in a male.

It usually involves only the nipple and nearby tissue of one breast. More rarely, the whole breast grows to a size normal in a female. True gynecomastia is related to an increase in estrogens. Testicular or pituitary-gland tumours commonly cause gynecomastia. Similar conditions (pseudogynecomastia) are caused by excessive body fat, inflammatory disorders, granular lesions, or growth of tumours. Treatment involves hormone therapy, correction of the estrogen disorder, or tumour removal.

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      enlargement of the breasts (mammary gland) in the male, usually because of hormone imbalance. The growth and development of male breasts are like those of the female until puberty. The male reproductive organs (testes) then begin secreting male hormones (androgens), which normally suppress further breast development. The breasts of the female continue to grow owing to the presence of the female hormone, estrogen. Gynecomastia may develop at any age in the male but is more frequent during boyhood or senility. Usually only one breast is involved. In some cases only the nipple and closely surrounding tissue (areola) swell to a buttonlike enlargement; more rarely the whole breast may assume the size of a normal female organ.

      Enlargement is a result of the growth of connective tissue (connective tissue disease). Mammary ducts and false milk cavities may form in the tissue. Fluids may be excreted from the nipple either spontaneously or as a result of manipulation; the fluids do not contain milk. Conditions termed pseudogynecomastia are caused by excessive body fat, inflammatory disorders, granular lesions, or growth of tumours (tumour).

      True gynecomastia is related to hormonal imbalance, or the increase in estrogenic hormones in the male. Tumours located elsewhere in the male body may cause the estrogen abnormality; in these cases, gynecomastia is a secondary disorder of the other maladies. Tumours of the testes or of the pituitary gland are commonly the cause of gynecomastia. Elderly men show a greater incidence of this abnormality because of the reduced secretion of androgens (androgen) as the result of aging. Injuries to the breast do not seem to cause gynecomastia, but, once the disorder is present, injury may provoke a rapid increase in growth. Treatment for gynecomastia usually involves hormone therapy, correction of the estrogen-stimulating disorder, or removal of the tumours responsible for improper hormone balance.

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Universalium. 2010.

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