
gustless, adj.
/gust/, n.
1. a sudden, strong blast of wind.
2. a sudden rush or burst of water, fire, smoke, sound, etc.
3. an outburst of passionate feeling.
4. to blow or rush in gusts.
[1580-90; < ON gustr a gust, akin to gjosa, gusa to gust]
Syn. 1. See wind1.
gustable, adj., n.
/gust/, n.
1. Archaic. flavor or taste.
2. Obs. enjoyment or gratification.
3. Scot. to taste; savor.
[1400-50; late ME < L gustus a tasting (of food), eating a little, akin to gustare to taste]

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      in meteorology, a sudden increase in wind speed above the average wind speed. It is briefer than a squall and usually lasts 20 seconds or less. Air turbulence around an obstacle causes gusts; they occur frequently over buildings and irregular ground and are less frequent over water. The term gust also denotes a sudden change in wind speed relative to a flying aircraft.

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