
/gerdd rdde"rddaw/, n.
a state in S Mexico. 2,013,000; 24,885 sq. mi. (64,452 sq. km). Cap.: Chilpancingo.

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State (pop., 2000: 3,079,649), southwestern Mexico.

It covers 24,819 sq mi (64,281 sq km), and its capital is Chilpancingo. Bounded by the Pacific Ocean, it lies almost entirely
except for a narrow coastal plain
within the Sierra Madre del Sur, the valleys of which are fertile but difficult to access. Its principal river is the Balsas. Named after the independence leader Vicente Guerrero (17831831), the region became a state in 1849. Its best-known cities are Acapulco and Taxco, a preserved colonial town. It derives its income from agriculture, mining, and tourism.

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  estado (state), southwestern Mexico. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the south and west and by the states of Michoacán to the northwest, México and Morelos to the north, Puebla to the northeast, and Oaxaca to the east. Chilpancingo (Chilpancingo de los Bravo) is the capital city.

      Except for a narrow coastal plain, the state's relief is defined by the Sierra Madre del Sur; the narrow river valleys between its spurs are mostly fertile and heavily forested but difficult to access. The principal river in the state is the Balsas (Balsas River), which is fed by numerous tributaries. The coast and lower river courses experience tropical downpours and high temperatures, whereas the highlands are drier and cooler.

      Most of Guerrero's income and a significant portion of its employment derive from agriculture (coffee, tobacco, bananas, rice, sugarcane, corn [maize], and cacao) and mining (silver, gold, copper, lead, antimony, and iron). Two major colonial towns are now resort centres: Acapulco, which was once a prominent port for Manila galleons, and the highland city of Taxco (Taxco de Alarcón), which has many beautifully preserved colonial-era buildings. More recently, Zihuatanejo and its seaside neighbour, Ixtapa, have become popular tourist destinations. One of the major employers in the service sector is the Autonomous University of Guerrero (founded 1869). A railroad links Iguala and smaller towns to Mexico City. The highway network is good, except in some highland areas.

      Named for Vicente Guerrero (Guerrero, Vicente), a leader in Mexico's wars for independence, the region became a state in 1849, when it was carved from the state of México. State government is led by a governor, who is elected to a single term of six years. Members of the unicameral legislature, the State Congress, are elected to three-year terms. Guerrero is divided into local governmental units called municipios (municipalities), each of which is headquartered in a prominent city, town, or village. Much of the state's population consists of impoverished Indians and mestizos (mestizo), a significant minority of whom speak an indigenous language as their primary language; more than two-fifths of the people live in rural areas. Area 24,819 square miles (64,281 square km). Pop. (2000) 3,079,649; (2005) 3,115,202.

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