Group theory — is a mathematical discipline, the part of abstract algebra that studies the algebraic structures known as groups. The development of group theory sprang from three main sources: number theory, theory of algebraic equations, and geometry. The… … Wikipedia
group theory — noun the branch of mathematics dealing with groups • Topics: ↑mathematics, ↑math, ↑maths • Hypernyms: ↑pure mathematics • Hyponyms: ↑Galois theory * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
group theory — grupių teorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. group theory vok. Gruppentheorie, f rus. теория групп, f pranc. théorie des groupes, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
group theory — group′ the ory n. math. the branch of mathematics that deals with the structure of mathematical groups and mappings between them … From formal English to slang
group theory method — grupių teorijos metodas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. group theory method vok. Gruppentheorie Methode, f rus. метод теории групп, m pranc. méthode de la théorie des groupes, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
group theory — noun The mathematical theory of groups … Wiktionary
group theory — noun Date: 1898 a branch of mathematics concerned with finding all mathematical groups and determining their properties … New Collegiate Dictionary
Geometric group theory — is an area in mathematics devoted to the study of finitely generated groups via exploring the connections between algebraic properties of such groups and topological and geometric properties of spaces on which these groups act (that is, when the… … Wikipedia
History of group theory — The history of group theory, a mathematical domain studying groups in their various forms, has evolved in various parallel threads. There are three historical roots of group theory: the theory of algebraic equations, number theory and geometry.… … Wikipedia
List of group theory topics — Contents 1 Structures and operations 2 Basic properties of groups 2.1 Group homomorphisms 3 Basic types of groups … Wikipedia