
/gree"kweuh, grik"weuh/, n.
(in South Africa) a person of mixed ethnic or racial heritage, esp. a native of Griqualand.

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People of mixed Khoekhoe and European ancestry who occupied central South Africa just north of the Orange River in the 19th century.

In 1861, having been forced to sell their land rights to Orange Free State, one group of Griqua moved to the southern hills of the Drakensberg. This new home became Griqualand East. Other Griqua living around Kimberley met no serious challenge to their land rights until diamonds were discovered there. With the aid of the British, this group resisted absorption into the Orange Free State. Griqualand West was annexed to the British crown in 1871, and the Griqua were recognized as British subjects.

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      19th-century people, of mixed Khoekhoe and European ancestry, who occupied the region of central South Africa just north of the Orange River. In 1848 they were guaranteed some degree of autonomy by a treaty with the British governor of South Africa. Under the leadership of Adam Kok III (Kok III, Adam), the Griqua sided with the British in a war against the Boers. Their tendency to favour the British over the Boers took on greater significance after the creation of the Orange Free State in 1854 and the discovery of diamonds in the region in 1867.

      Kok, who ruled the eastern portion of the Griqua territory (around Philippolis), saw no hope of successfully resisting the Orange Free State. He ceded his land rights to the new state in 1861 and led his people on a great trek east-southeast, to the southern foothills of the Drakensberg. His new home became Griqualand East. Kok's rival, Nicholaas Waterboer, who ruled farther west around Kimberley, met no serious challenge to his land rights until diamonds were discovered there. Waterboer asserted his claim to the land ( Griqualand West) and succeeded, with British aid, in resisting absorption into the Orange Free State. Great Britain recognized the Griqua as British subjects in 1871 and annexed Waterboer's land to the British crown. It eventually became a part of the Cape Colony.

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