
grilled, adj.
/gril/, n.
1. a grating or openwork barrier, as for a gate, usually of metal and often of decorative design.
2. an opening, usually covered by grillwork, for admitting air to cool the engine of an automobile or the like; radiator grille.
3. any of various perforated screens, sheets, etc., used to cover something, as on a radio for protecting the amplifier or in cryptography for coding purposes.
4. a ticket window covered by a grating.
5. Court Tennis. a square-shaped winning opening on the hazard side of the court. Cf. dedans (def. 1), winning gallery.
Also, grill.
[1655-65; < F, OF < LL *graticula, L craticula (cf. OPr grazilha), dim. of cratis]

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