
/green"hahrt'/, n.
1. a South American tree, Ocotea (or Nectandra) rodiei, of the laurel family, yielding a hard, durable wood often used for wharves and bridges and in shipbuilding.
2. any of certain other timber trees of tropical America.
3. their valuable greenish wood.
[1750-60; GREEN + HEART]

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Chlorocardium rodiei
also called  bebeeru (Chlorocardium rodiei) 

      valuable South American timber tree of the laurel family (Lauraceae). A large tree, it grows to a height of 40 m (130 feet) and is native to the Guianas. The bark and fruits contain bebeerine, an alkaloid formerly used to reduce fever.

      Greenheart wood, which is both strong and dense, is used chiefly in Europe for underwater applications, such as pilings for wharves and bridges and in ships. Its excessive weight makes it largely unfit for other purposes. Greenheart wood is dark green.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • greenheart — [grēn′härt΄] n. 1. any of various tropical trees, esp. bebeeru, whose wood is valued for its hardness and resistance to fungi and insects 2. the wood …   English World dictionary

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  • greenheart — noun Date: 1756 a tropical South American evergreen tree (Ocotea rodiaei syn. Nectandra rodiaei) of the laurel family with a hard greenish wood; also its wood …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • greenheart — noun a) A type of tree (Chlorocardium rodiei) native to Guyana. b) A type of shrub (Colubrina arborescens) native to Florida and the Caribbean …   Wiktionary

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