Greek fire

Greek fire
1. an incendiary mixture of unknown composition, used in warfare in medieval times by Byzantine Greeks.
2. any of a group of inflammable mixtures; wildfire.

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Any of several flammable mixtures used in ancient and medieval warfare, particularly a petroleum-based mixture invented by the Byzantine Greeks in the 7th century.

Flammable materials such as pitch and sulfur had been used in war since ancient times, but true Greek fire was especially deadly. Thrown in pots or discharged from tubes, it apparently caught fire spontaneously, and water could not put it out. Greek fire launched from tubes mounted on ship prows wrought havoc on the Arab fleet attacking Constantinople in 673. Its effectiveness was a prime reason for the long survival of the Byzantine Empire. The recipe was so secret that its precise composition remains unknown.

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      any of several flammable compositions that were used in warfare in ancient and medieval times. More specifically the term refers to a mixture introduced by the Byzantine (Byzantine Empire) Greeks in the 7th century AD. The employment of incendiary materials in war is of ancient origin; many writers of antiquity refer to flaming arrows, firepots, and such substances as pitch, naphtha, sulfur, and charcoal. But true Greek fire was evidently a petroleum-based mixture. It was invented during the reign of Constantine IV Pogonatus by a Greek-speaking Syrian refugee from the Arab conquest of Syria. It could be thrown in pots or discharged from tubes. The substance apparently took fire spontaneously and could not be extinguished with water.

      Greek fire launched from tubes mounted on the prows of Greek ships wrought havoc on the Arab fleet attacking Constantinople in 673. Greek fire was later employed effectively by Leo III the Isaurian against an Arab attack in 717 and by Romanus I Lecapenus against a Russian fleet in the 10th century. Its deadliness in combat, especially at sea, has been cited as a prime reason for the long survival of the Byzantine Empire in the face of many enemies. The art of compounding the mixture was a secret so closely guarded that its precise composition remains unknown to this day.

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  • Greek fire — Greek′ fire′ n. anh an incendiary mixture of unknown composition, used in warfare in medieval times by Byzantine Greeks • Etymology: 1820–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • Greek fire — n. [from its first use by Greeks of Byzantium] an incendiary material used in medieval warfare, described as able to burn in water …   English World dictionary

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  • Greek fire — noun A flammable substance first used by the Greeks of to set fire to enemy ships, buildings etc. “There is yet spirit in him,” said Malvoisin apart to Mont–Fitchet, “were it well directed but, like the Greek fire, it burns whatever approaches it …   Wiktionary

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