
/gran'yeuh lay"sheuhn/, n.
1. the act or process of granulating.
2. a granulated condition.
3. any of the grains of a granulated surface.
4. Pathol.
a. the formation of granulation tissue, esp. in healing.
5. Astron. one of the small, short-lived features of the sun's surface that in the aggregate give it a mottled appearance when viewed with a telescope.
[1606-15; GRANULE + -ATION]

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jewelry decoration
      in jewelry, type of decoration in which minute grains or tiny balls of gold are applied to a surface in geometric or linear patterns or massed to fill in parts of a decoration. First used as early as the 3rd millennium BC, it was known in western Asia and Egypt. The technique as practiced by the ancient Greeks, especially immediately following the Mycenaean Age, achieved an amazing fineness and could produce a texture of great richness.

      By the 5th century BC, granulation had been largely replaced by filigree in Greek work. The art of granulation probably reached its peak with the Etruscans between the 7th and 6th centuries BC, in the elaborately granulated and embossed earrings, pronged shoulder clasps (for cloaks) modeled with gold-granulated sphinxes and lions, and beads found in Etruscan tombs. Granulation was spread widely in southern Asia, particularly in India and Persia, through contact with the Roman Empire.

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  • granulation — 1610s, from L.L. granulum (see GRANULAR (Cf. granular)) + ATION (Cf. ation) …   Etymology dictionary

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