
/gond/, n.
a member of an aboriginal people of Dravidian stock, in central India and the Deccan.

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      group of aboriginal peoples (now referred to as scheduled tribes) of central India, about 2 million in number. They live in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Mahārāshtra, Andhra Pradesh, Bihār, and Orissa. The majority speak various and, in part, mutually unintelligible dialects of Gondi (Gondi language), an unwritten language of the Dravidian family. Some Gond have lost their own language and speak Hindi, Marathi, or Telugu, depending on which is dominant in their area.

      There is no cultural uniformity among the Gond. The most developed are the Rāj Gond, who once had an elaborate feudal order. Local rajas, linked by ties of blood or marriage to a royal house, exercised authority over groups of villages. Aside from the fortified seats of the rajas, settlements were formerly of little permanence; cultivation, even though practiced with plows and oxen, involved frequent shifting of fields and clearing of new tracts of forest land. The Rāj Gond continue to stand outside the Hindu caste system, neither acknowledging the superiority of Brahmans nor feeling bound by Hindu rules such as the ban on killing cows.

      The highlands of Bastar in Madhya Pradesh are the home of three important Gond tribes: the Muria, the Bisonhorn Mariā, and the Hill Mariā. The last, who inhabit the rugged Abujhmar Hills, are the most primitive. Their traditional type of agriculture is slash-and-burn (jhum) cultivation on hill slopes; hoes and digging sticks are still used more than plows. The villages are periodically moved, and the commonly owned land of each clan contains several village sites occupied in rotation over the years.

      Bisonhorn Mariā, so called after their dance headdresses, live in less hilly country and have more permanent fields that they cultivate with plows and bullocks.

      The Muria are known for their youth dormitories, or ghotul, in the framework of which the unmarried of both sexes lead a highly organized social life; they receive training in civic duties and in sexual practices.

      The religion of all Gond tribes centres in the cult of clan and village deities, together with ancestor worship.

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