
/jin"seng/, n.
1. any of several plants of the genus Panax, esp. P. pseudoginseng, of eastern Asia, or P. qinquefolius, of North America, having an aromatic root used medicinally.
2. the root itself.
3. a preparation made from it.
Also, genseng.
[1645-55; < Chin (Wade-Giles) jên2 shên1, (Pinyin) rén-shen, equiv. to rén man + shen name for a kind of herb]

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Either of two herbs of the family Araliaceae or their roots, which have long been used as a drug in East Asia and as the ingredient for a stimulating tea.

Panax quinquefolium, the North American ginseng, is native from Quebec and Manitoba southward to the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico. Asian ginseng (P. schinseng) is native to Manchuria and Korea and is cultivated in Korea and Japan. Ginseng has a sweetly aromatic flavour. Its root has long been regarded by the Chinese as a panacea for illness; its purported effects include improved mental performance, ability to learn, and memory and sensory awareness.

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Chinese  (Wade-Giles) Jen Sheng,  or (PinyinRen Sheng  
 (“root of heaven”), either of two herbs of the family Araliaceae, Panax quinquefolium and P. schinseng, or their roots. The root has long been used as a drug in China and as the ingredient for a stimulating tea. P. quinquefolium (see photograph—>), the North American ginseng, is native from Quebec and Manitoba southward to the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico. The roots of most ginseng cultivated in America are dried and exported to Hong Kong, from where the spice is distributed to Southeast Asia. P. schinseng, Asian ginseng, is native to Manchuria and Korea and is cultivated in Korea and Japan. Ginseng has been cultivated in America since about 1870 and in Korea since ancient times. The ginseng plant requires 57 years to mature from seed.

      Ginseng has a sweetly aromatic flavour. Its root has long been regarded by the Chinese as a panacea for illness, though it was usually used by them in a prophylactic (preventive) rather than a curative manner. Pharmacologically, ginseng is nonspecific in its effects and is capable of a normalizing action irrespective of the pathological situation. Ginseng's effects include improved mental performance, learning, and memory and sensory awareness. The basis of ginseng's action is believed to be due to certain chemical agents in it that increase the brain's adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) activity without involving the adrenal glands. A generalized mental arousal is thereby effected.

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