
/gib"ee euhn/, n.
a town in ancient Palestine, NW of Jerusalem. Josh. 9:3.

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Ancient city of Canaan.

It is located north of Jerusalem at modern Al-Jīb in the West Bank. According to the Bible, its inhabitants made an alliance with the Israelite military leader Joshua during his conquest of Canaan but were instead made slaves. Excavations in 1956 by a U.S. expedition revealed that the site had been occupied during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages and in the latter part of the Late Bronze Age, just before Joshua's conquest of Canaan; the town then was a dependency of Jerusalem and was probably not fortified.

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modern  al-Jīb 

      important town of ancient Palestine, located northwest of Jerusalem. Its inhabitants submitted voluntarily to Joshua at the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan (Josh. 9). Excavations undertaken in 1956 by a U.S. expedition revealed that the site had been occupied during parts of the Early and most of the Middle Bronze Age (c. 30001550 BC) and in the latter part of the Late Bronze Age (c. 15501200 BC), just before Joshua's conquest of Canaanthe town at that time being a dependency of the city-state of Jerusalem and probably not fortified.

      It does not appear to have been destroyed by the Babylonians, who invaded the area in the early 6th century BC, and it continued to be occupied during the exile. Remains of this period included a large number of inscribed wine-jar handles, of which more than 30 contained the name Gibeon in Hebrew characters of that period.

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