
/jib'euh rel"in/, n. Biochem.
any of a class of growth hormones occurring in fungi and plants.
[1935-40; < NL Gibberell(a) (see GIBBERELLIC ACID) + -IN2]

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      any of a group of plant hormones that occur in seeds, young leaves, and roots. The name is derived from Gibberella fujikuroi, a hormone-producing fungus in the phylum Ascomycota (kingdom Fungi). Evidence suggests that gibberellins stimulate the growth of main stems, especially when applied to the whole plant. They also promote the growth of dwarf peas and are involved in the bolting (elongation) of rosette plants (e.g., the carrot) after such plants have been exposed to certain environmental stimuli (e.g., cold or long periods of daylight). Gibberellic acid, a gibberellin, is found in both higher plants and fungi.

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