
/gawts, gots/, n. (used with a sing. v.)

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mountain ranges, India
      two mountain ranges forming the eastern and western edges, respectively, of the Deccan plateau of peninsular India. The two ranges, run roughly parallel to the Bay of Bengal (Bengal, Bay of) and Arabian Sea coasts, respectively, from which they are separated by strips of fairly level coastal land. In Hindi ghat meansriver landing stairsormountain passand has been extended in its Anglicized plural form (formerly ghauts) to include the mountains themselves. The word refers as well to riverbanks that have been artificially terraced for bathing for religious purposes and also to ferry landings.

      The Eastern Ghats include several discontinuous and dissimilar hill masses that generally trend northeast-southwest along the Bay of Bengal. The narrow range has an average elevation of about 2,000 feet (600 metres), with peaks reaching 4,000 feet (1,200 metres) and higher; the high point is Arma Konda (5,512 feet [1,680 metres]) in Andhra Pradesh state. There is a gap in the chain 100 miles (160 km) wide through which the Krishna (Krishna River) and Godavari (Godavari River) rivers reach the coast; the Godavari runs through a gorge 40 miles (65 km) long. Farther southwest, beyond the Krishna River, the Eastern Ghats appear as a series of low ranges and hills. Southwest of Chennai (Madras), the Eastern Ghats continue as the Javadi and Shevaroy hills, beyond which they merge with the Western Ghats. The mountains' slopes have sparse forests containing valuable timber.

      The Western Ghats, which are possibly a fault scarp, are the crest of the western edge of the Deccan plateau. Their steep seaward slopes are deeply dissected by streams and canyonlike valleys, but on the landward side their slopes are gentle and give way to wide, mature valleys. The range extends northward to the Tapti River and southward almost to Cape Comorin (Comorin, Cape) at India's southern tip. The mountains reach elevations of 3,000 to 5,000 feet (900 to 1,500 metres) in the north, rise less than 3,000 feet in the area south of Goa, and are higher again in the far south, reaching 8,652 feet (2,637 metres) at Doda Betta mountain. The Palghat Gap separates the Western Ghats proper from their southward extension, known as the Southern Ghats. The Western Ghats, because they receive extremely heavy rainfall from the southwest monsoon, comprise peninsular India's principal watershed; rainfall is much lighter inland on the plateau. The high rainfall has produced dense forests on the seaward slopes, with bamboo, teak, and other valuable trees. Some rivers among the Western Ghats have been dammed to produce electric power. A number of hill resorts are located in the mountains.

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