
/zheuh nay"/; Fr. /zheuh ne"/, n.
Jean /zhahonn/, 1910-86, French playwright and novelist.

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genus of mammal
 any of about five species of lithe, catlike carnivores of the genus Genetta, family Viverridae. Genets are elongate, short-legged animals with long, tapering tails; pointed noses; large, rounded ears; and retractile claws. Coloration varies among species but usually is pale yellowish or grayish, marked with dark spots and stripes; the tail is banded black and white. Adult genets weigh 12 kg (2.24.4 pounds) and are about 4060 cm (1624 inches) long, excluding the 4055-centimetre tail.

      Except for the small-spotted genet (G. genetta), which also occurs in western Asia and southern Europe, they are found only in Africa. Genets live alone or in pairs and are active mainly at night. They frequent forests, grasslands, and brush and are as agile in the trees as on the ground. They prey on small mammals and birds. Litters contain two or three young.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • GENET (J.) — Sa naissance bâtarde, sa jeunesse crapuleuse, sa conception de la sexualité comme abjection et transfiguration, ses années de prison, la diversité de son œuvre, la noblesse de son style contrastant avec le milieu interlope qu’il décrit, les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • genet — [ ʒ(ə)nɛ ] n. m. • XIVe; esp. jinete « cavalier armé à la légère », o. ar. ♦ Petit cheval de race espagnole. ⊗ HOM. Genêt. ● genet nom masculin (espagnol jinete, bon cavalier) Cheval de petite taille, originaire d Espagne. ● genet (difficultés)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • genêt — genet [ ʒ(ə)nɛ ] n. m. • XIVe; esp. jinete « cavalier armé à la légère », o. ar. ♦ Petit cheval de race espagnole. ⊗ HOM. Genêt. ● genet nom masculin (espagnol jinete, bon cavalier) Cheval de petite taille, originaire d Espagne. ● …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Genet — may refer to:*Citizen Genêt (or Edmond Charles Genêt) a French ambassador to the United States. *Jean Genet (1910 1986), a French writer. *Ray Genet (or Pirate ), an Alaskan mountaineer, famous on Denali *Russell Merle Genet, an American… …   Wikipedia

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  • Genet —   [ʒə nɛ], Jean, französischer Schriftsteller, * Paris 19. 12. 1910, ✝ ebenda 15. 4. 1986. Genet wuchs als nichteheliches Kind bei Pflegeeltern, dann in einer Erziehungsanstalt auf, aus der er jedoch ausbrach. 1929 trat er in die Fremdenlegion… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Genet — Gen et, n. [See {Jennet}.] A small sized, well proportioned, Spanish horse; a jennet. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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