
/jel/, n., v., gelled, gelling.
1. Physical Chem. a semirigid colloidal dispersion of a solid with a liquid or gas, as jelly, glue, etc.
2. Theat. gelatin (def. 5).
3. Biochem. a semirigid polymer, as agarose, starch, cellulose acetate, or polyacrylamide, cast into slabs or cylinders for the electrophoretic separation of proteins and nucleic acids.
4. to form or become a gel.
5. jell (def. 2).
[1895-1900; shortening of GELATIN]

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physics and chemistry
      coherent mass consisting of a liquid in which particles too small to be seen in an ordinary optical microscope are either dispersed or arranged in a fine network throughout the mass. A gel may be notably elastic and jellylike (as gelatin or fruit jelly), or quite solid and rigid (as silica gel, a material that looks like coarse white sand and is used as a dehumidifier). Gels are colloids (aggregates of fine particles, as described above, dispersed in a continuous medium) in which the liquid medium has become viscous enough to behave more or less as a solid. Contraction of a gel, causing separation of liquid from it, is called syneresis. Compare sol.

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