
/gal"veuh steuhn/, n.
a seaport in SE Texas, on an island at the mouth of Galveston Bay. 61,902.

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City (pop., 2000: 57,247) and port of entry, southeastern Texas, U.S. Located at the northeastern end of Galveston Island in the Gulf of Mexico, it was the pirate Jean Laffite's headquarters (1817–21).

Settlement of the island then began, and the town of Galveston was laid out in 1834; during the Texas revolt against Mexico (1835–36), it briefly served as the capital. During the American Civil War it was an important Confederate supply port. Although the city suffered from several hurricanes in the 20th century, it remains a major deepwater port, with shipping and oil-refining facilities.

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 city, seat (1838) of Galveston county, southeastern Texas, U.S., 51 miles (82 km) southeast of Houston. It is a major deepwater port on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, at the northeast end of Galveston Island, which extends along the Texas coast for about 30 miles (48 km), separating Galveston Bay and West Bay from the Gulf of Mexico.

      The Spanish explorer Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar) was probably shipwrecked on the island in 1528. The French explorer La Salle (La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier, sieur (lord) de) visited the island in 1686 and named it St. Louis for his sovereign, but it remained unoccupied except by Karankawa Indians. In 1777 troops of Bernardo de Gálvez, Spanish governor of Louisiana (later viceroy of Mexico), temporarily occupied the island and named it Gálvez (whence Galveston). The pirate Jean Laffite (Laffite, Jean) made the place his headquarters from 1817 to 1821.

      Settlement of the island then began, and in 1834 Michel B. Menard organized the Galveston City Company and laid out a town site. During the Texas revolt against Mexico (1835–36), the four ships that constituted the Texas Navy (Invincible, Brutus, Liberty, and Independence) were based at Galveston; the city briefly, before the successful outcome of the Battle of San Jacinto (San Jacinto, Battle of) (April 21, 1836), served as the capital of the republic when the temporary president, David Burnet, arrived there with his cabinet. During the Civil War Galveston was an important Confederate supply port; it was captured by a Union fleet in October 1862 but was retaken by Confederates a few months later.

      Two factors dislodged Galveston from its leading commercial position: the rise of competitive Texas ports, notably Houston, and a destructive hurricane on September 8, 1900, in which more than 5,000 lives were lost and much of the city was destroyed. After this disaster, a protective seawall 17 feet (5 metres) high and 10 miles (16 km) long was built, paralleled by a wide boulevard overlooked by hotels. The wall broke the force of a powerful hurricane in September 1961 and reduced flood damage. The seawall held back the worst of the storm surge when Hurricane Ike made landfall on September 13, 2008, but it failed to prevent large-scale flooding and widespread damage to homes and businesses.

      Shipping, oil refining, food processing, and resort business are major economic assets. Chief exports are cotton, grain, and sulfur; imports include sugar, tea, and bananas. Galveston offers ship repairing, including nuclear-service facilities. The island is connected to the mainland by causeways, and a superhighway gives rapid access to Texas City, Houston, and other communities. Access from the northeast is by ferry from Bolivar Peninsula across Galveston Harbor. The city is the site of the University of Texas Medical Branch (1881); a marine sciences and maritime resources branch of Texas A&M University (Texas A&M University) (1962); and Galveston (junior) College (1966). Of historical and touristic interest is the Strand, a 40-block area of Victorian homes, art galleries, shops, and restaurants. Moody Gardens, adjoining the Galveston Island Convention Center, comprises a pyramid containing an artificial rainforest, an aquarium, a paddle-wheel steamship, and other attractions. Inc. 1839. Pop. (2000) 57,247; (2007 est.) 56,940.

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Universalium. 2010.

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