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Elimination of feces from the digestive tract.

Peristalsis moves feces through the colon to the rectum, where they stimulate the urge to defecate. The rectum shortens, pushing the feces into the anal canal, where internal and external sphincters allow them to be passed or retained. Chest, abdominal, and pelvic muscles are used to pass them. Long delay of defecation causes constipation and hardened feces. See also diarrhea, incontinence.

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also called  bowel movement 

      the act of eliminating solid or semisolid waste materials ( feces) from the digestive tract. In human beings, wastes are usually removed once or twice daily, but the frequency can vary from several times daily to three times weekly and remain within normal limits. Muscular contractions (peristaltic waves) in the walls of the colon move fecal material through the digestive tract to the rectum.

      The rectum is a distensible muscular tube that acts as a temporary reservoir for the waste material. As the rectal walls expand with filling, stretch receptors from the nervous system, located in the rectal walls, stimulate the desire to defecate. The urge passes within one to two minutes if not relieved, and the material in the rectum is then often returned to the colon where more water is absorbed. If defecation is continuously delayed, constipation and hardened feces result.

      When the rectum is filled, pressure within it is increased. This increased intrarectal pressure initially forces the walls of the anal canal apart and allows the fecal material to enter the canal; as material is entering, muscles attached to the pelvic floor help further to pull the anal canal walls apart. The rectum shortens as it expels material into the anal canal, and peristaltic waves propel the feces out of the rectum. In the anus there are two muscular constrictors, the internal and external sphincters, that allow the feces to be passed or retained. As feces exit, the anus is drawn up over the passing mass by muscles of the pelvic diaphragm to prevent prolapse (pushing out of the body) of the anal canal.

      While defecation is occurring, the excretion of urine is usually stimulated. The chest muscles, diaphragm, abdominal-wall muscles, and pelvic diaphragm all exert pressure on the digestive tract. Respiration temporarily ceases as the filled lungs push the diaphragm down to exert pressure. blood pressure rises in the body, and the amount of blood pumped by the heart decreases.

      Defecation can be totally involuntary, or it may be under voluntary control. Incontinencethe loss of control over the evacuative processcan develop with age; it may also result from surgical, obstetric, spinal, or other bodily injuries or with neurological impairment resulting from diabetes (diabetes mellitus), stroke, or multiple sclerosis. Defecation may also be influenced by pain, fear, temperature elevation, and psychological or neurological complications. diarrhea, or abnormally frequent defecation, is a characteristic symptom of many diseases and disordersmost strikingly in such diseases as cholera and dysentery.

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Universalium. 2010.

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