
/gab"euhr deen', gab'euhr deen"/, n.
1. Also, gaberdine. a firm, tightly woven fabric of worsted, cotton, polyester, or other fiber, with a twill weave.
2. gaberdine (def. 1).
[sp. var. of GABERDINE]

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      any of several varieties of worsted, cotton, silk, and mixed tightly woven fabrics, embodying certain features in common and chiefly made into suits and overcoats. It is a relatively strong and firm cloth, made with a twill weave, and somewhat resembling whipcord but of lighter texture. The weft, or filling, lies entirely at the back and is therefore not visible from the front, a circumstance that allows the use of filling of inferior quality without loss of durability, for only the warp surface is exposed to wear.

      Gabardine was originally a type of waterproofed fabric employed for the manufacture of raincoats. A fabric of a more open and much lighter texture, produced entirely of silk, is called silk, or voile, gabardine.

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  • Gabardine — is a tough, tightly woven fabric used to make suits, overcoats, trousers and other garments. The fibre used to make the fabric is traditionally worsted wool, but may also be cotton, synthetic or mixed. The fabric is smooth on one side and has a… …   Wikipedia

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  • gabardine — (n.) 1590s, dress, covering, variant of GABERDINE (Cf. gaberdine). Meaning closely woven cloth is from 1904 …   Etymology dictionary

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  • gabardine — This is the recommended spelling for the word meaning ‘a smooth durable cloth’ or a raincoat made from it. The form gaberdine is used with historical reference to the smock worn by almsmen and beggars, and by Jews on the Elizabethan stage, as in… …   Modern English usage

  • gabardine — [gab′ər dēn΄, gab΄ər dēn′] n. [var. of GABERDINE] 1. a cloth of wool, cotton, rayon, etc. twilled on one side and having a fine, diagonal weave, used for suits, coats, dresses, etc. 2. a garment made of this cloth 3. GABERDINE …   English World dictionary

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