full professor
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full professor — full pro fessor noun count AMERICAN a teacher at a U.S. college or university who has the highest status and has the right to keep their job as long as they want. An associate professor has a lower rank than a full professor, and an assistant… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
full professor — n. PROFESSOR (sense 2a) … English World dictionary
full professor — noun a professor of the highest rank • Hypernyms: ↑professor, ↑prof * * * ˈfull professor [full professor] noun (NAmE) … Useful english dictionary
full professor — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms full professor : singular full professor plural full professors American a teacher at a US college or university who has the highest status and has the right to keep their job as long as they want … English dictionary
full professor — noun N. Amer. a professor of the highest grade in a university. Derivatives full professorship noun … English new terms dictionary
full professor — noun (C) AmE a teacher at an American university who has reached the highest position and has gained tenure (=the right to keep the job as long as they want it) see also: assistant professor, associate professor … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
full professor — n. professor or teacher of the highest rank at a college or university … English contemporary dictionary
full — full1 [fool] adj. [ME < OE, akin to Ger voll, Goth fulls < IE base * pel , to fill > L plenus, full & plere, to fill, Gr plēthein, to be full, Welsh llawn, full] 1. having in it all there is space for; holding or containing as much as… … English World dictionary
professor — [prō fes′ər, prəfes′ər] n. [ME professoure < L, teacher < professus: see PROFESS] 1. a person who professes something; esp., one who openly declares his sentiments, religious beliefs, etc. 2. a) a college or university teacher of the… … English World dictionary
Professor — For other uses, see Professor (disambiguation). A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a person who professes being usually an expert in arts or sciences;… … Wikipedia