
/frunt/, n.
1. the foremost part or surface of anything.
2. the part or side of anything that faces forward: the front of a jacket.
3. the part or side of anything, as a building, that seems to look out or to be directed forward: He sat in the front of the restaurant.
4. any side or face, as of a building.
5. a façade, considered with respect to its architectural treatment or material: a cast-iron front.
6. a property line along a street or the like: a fifty-foot front.
7. a place or position directly before anything: We decided to plant trees in the front.
8. a position of leadership in a particular endeavor or field: She rose to the front of her profession.
9. Mil.
a. the foremost line or part of an army.
b. a line of battle.
c. the place where combat operations are carried on.
10. an area of activity, conflict, or competition: news from the business front.
11. land facing a road, river, etc.
12. Brit. a promenade along a seashore.
13. Informal. a distinguished person listed as an official of an organization, for the sake of prestige, and who is usually inactive.
14. a person or thing that serves as a cover or disguise for some other activity, esp. one of a secret, disreputable, or illegal nature; a blind: The store was a front for foreign agents.
15. outward impression of rank, position, or wealth.
16. bearing or demeanor in confronting anything: a calm front.
17. haughtiness; self-importance: That clerk has the most outrageous front.
18. the forehead, or the entire face: the statue's gracefully chiseled front.
19. a coalition or movement to achieve a particular end, usually political: the people's front.
20. something attached or worn at the breast, as a shirt front or a dickey: to spill gravy down one's front.
21. Meteorol. an interface or zone of transition between two dissimilar air masses.
22. Theat.
a. the auditorium.
b. the business offices of a theater.
c. the front of the stage; downstage.
23. in front, in a forward place or position: Sit down, you in front!
24. in front of,
a. ahead of: to walk in front of a moving crowd.
b. outside the entrance of: to wait in front of a house.
c. in the presence of: to behave badly in front of company.
25. out front,
a. outside the entrance: He's waiting out front.
b. ahead of competitors: This advertising campaign ought to put our business way out front.
c. Theat. in the audience or auditorium.
d. Informal. candidly; frankly: Say what you mean out front.
26. up front, Informal.
a. in advance; before anything else: You'll have to make a payment of $5,000 up front.
b. frank; open; direct: I want you to be up front with me.
27. of or pertaining to the front.
28. situated in or at the front: front seats.
29. Phonet. (of a speech sound) articulated with the tongue blade relatively far forward in the mouth, as the sounds of lay.
30. to have the front toward; face: Our house fronts the lake.
31. to meet face to face; confront.
32. to face in opposition, hostility, or defiance.
33. to furnish or supply a front to: to front a building with sandstone.
34. to serve as a front to: A long, sloping lawn fronted their house.
35. Informal. to provide an introduction to; introduce: a recorded message that is fronted with a singing commercial.
36. to lead (a jazz or dance band).
37. Phonet. to articulate (a speech sound) at a position farther front in the mouth.
38. Ling. to move (a constituent) to the beginning of a clause or sentence.
39. to have or turn the front in some specified direction: Our house fronts on the lake.
40. to serve as a cover or disguise for another activity, esp. something of a disreputable or illegal nature: The shop fronts for a narcotics ring.
41. (used to call or command someone to come, look, etc., to the front, as in an order to troops on parade or in calling a hotel bellboy to the front desk): Front and center, on the double!
[1250-1300; ME frount, front < AF, OF < L front- (s. of frons) forehead, brow, front]

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In meteorology, the interface or transition zone between two air masses of different density and temperature.

Frontal zones are frequently accompanied by low barometric pressure, marked changes in wind direction and relative humidity, and considerable cloudiness and precipitation.
(as used in expressions)
Front Islamique du Salut FIS
Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Río de Oro
Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman
Dhofar Liberation Front

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      in meteorology, interface or transition zone between two air masses (air mass) of different density and temperature; the sporadic flareups of weather along this zone, with occasional thunderstorms and electrical activity, was, to the Norwegian meteorologists who gave it its name during World War I, analogous to the fighting along the battle line in Europe. Frontal zones are frequently accompanied by low barometric pressure (a pressure trough), marked changes in wind direction and relative humidity, and considerable cloudiness and precipitation.

 There are several different types of fronts, depending basically on the direction of movement of the colder air mass. Meteorologists call the leading edge of an advancing mass of relatively cold air a cold front. In middle and high latitudes of both hemispheres, cold fronts tend to move toward the Equator and eastward, with the most advanced position right at the ground. At a height of about 1.5 km (1 mile), the front usually lies 80 to 160 km (50 to 100 miles) behind its surface position; thus, its slope is 1/50 to 1/100. A cold front is usually associated with showers and thunderstorms. As it advances, often quite rapidly (50 to 65 km [30 to 40 miles] per hour), the cold air, which is relatively dense, undercuts the displaced warm air, forcing it to rise. In extreme cases, the resulting instability may lead to the formation of a squall line of severe thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes parallel to and about 80 km ahead of the surface position of the cold front. The precipitation usually stops abruptly after the front passes.

      A warm front is the boundary between a mass of warm air and a retreating mass of cold air. At constant atmospheric pressure, warm air is less dense than cold air, and so it tends to override, rather than displace, the cold air. As a result, a warm front usually moves more slowly than a cold front. Its inclination, or slope, is much less than that of cold fronts. At a height of about 1.5 km, the front usually lies about 320 km (200 miles) ahead (to the north or northeast in the Northern Hemisphere) of its surface position. Warm-front precipitation is generally much more uniform and widespread than that associated with cold fronts. Sometimes in winter, if the warm air overrides cold air at subfreezing temperatures, severe ice storms may develop more than 100 km (62 miles) ahead of the surface position of the warm front.

      If, as often happens, a warm front is overtaken by a cold front moving around a low-pressure centre, the end result is an occluded front. Cyclonic storms in high and middle latitudes often start out as an undulation, or wave, on a frontal boundary between warm and cold air masses. If the wave intensifies, the surface atmospheric pressure at the centre of the cyclone falls. Eventually, the advancing cold air behind the cold front catches up with the slower-moving cold air under the warm front. The intervening tongue of warm air is pushed aloft, and the cyclone is said to have occluded. At this point the kinetic energy of the storm, derived from the sinking of cold air and the rising of warm air, no longer increases. A wave cyclone (extratropical cyclone), with its attendant low atmospheric pressure and stormy weather, occasionally develops on a stationary front (a boundary between air masses where the colder air mass has little or no horizontal motion). Storms affecting the northeastern United States, for example, often develop from a wave on a stationary front over the southern or southeastern states; such storms are often quite severe, the energy of motion being provided by the large thermal contrast between cold polar air to the north and warm tropical air to the south.

 The variable weather conditions that are typical of high and middle latitudes are associated largely with fluctuations in the location and intensity of this boundary between air masses called the polar front. Polar fronts are generally located poleward of 30° latitude in both hemispheres and occasionally extend to near the Arctic and Antarctic circles (66°30N and S). The polar-front jet stream, which is a region of particularly strong westerly windsdriven by the large thermal contrast between the air massesis located 10 to 12 km (6 to 7 miles) directly above the location of the front. The strong thermal contrast within the front serves as a source of potential energy for the development of cyclonic (centred on a low-pressure area) storm systems along the front.

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