
/fresh"waw'teuhr, -wot'euhr/, adj.
1. of or living in water that is fresh or not salt: freshwater fish.
2. accustomed to fresh water only, and not to the sea: a freshwater sailor.
3. small, provincial, or little known: a freshwater college.
4. Obs. untrained or of little experience.
Also, fresh-water.
[1520-30; FRESH + WATER]

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      town (parish), unitary district of Isle of Wight (Wight, Isle of), historic county of Hampshire, England. It lies close to Alum Bay, notable for its many-coloured sandstone cliffs and for the Needles, a group of chalk sea stacks.

      Farringford House at Freshwater was the home of Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron), who is commemorated by a tablet in All Saints' Church and by a large cross on High Down. Pop. (2001) 5,360.

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Universalium. 2010.

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