fresco secco

fresco secco
the technique of painting in watercolors on dry plaster. Also called dry fresco, secco. Cf. fresco (def. 1).
[1835-45; < It: lit., dry fresco]

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  • Fresco-secco — (or a secco) is a fresco painting technique in which watercolors are applied to dry plaster that has been moistened to simulate fresh plaster. In true fresco (buon fresco), the plaster is still fresh and has not dried when the watercolors are… …   Wikipedia

  • fresco secco — noun Etymology: Italian, dry fresco : secco …   Useful english dictionary

  • fresco painting — Method of wall painting in which water based pigments are applied to wet, freshly laid lime plaster. The dry powder colours, when mixed with water, penetrate the surface and become a permanent part of the wall. This technique is also known as… …   Universalium

  • fresco — fré·sco agg., s.m. I. agg. FO I 1a. di qcs., che è moderatamente freddo e dà una gradevole sensazione di refrigerio: brezza, aria fresca, una bibita fresca Sinonimi: rinfrescante. Contrari: tiepido. I 1b. di luogo, ambiente e sim., in cui la… …   Dizionario italiano

  • fresco — n. (pl. os or oes) 1 a painting done in water colour on a wall or ceiling while the plaster is still wet. 2 this method of painting (esp. in fresco). Phrases and idioms: fresco secco = SECCO. Derivatives: frescoed adj. Etymology: It., = cool,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fresco, pintura al — Método de pintura mural en el que se incorporan pigmentos a base de agua sobre el yeso de cal mojado recién aplicado sobre el muro. Los colores que se obtienen del polvo seco al ser mezclados con agua, penetran la superficie y se convierten en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • fresco — frescoer, frescoist, n. /fres koh/, n., pl. frescoes, frescos, v., frescoed, frescoing. n. 1. Also called buon fresco, true fresco. the art or technique of painting on a moist, plaster surface with colors ground up in water or a limewater mixture …   Universalium

  • secco — I. /ˈsɛkoʊ/ (say sekoh) adjective 1. Music unaccompanied: recitativo secco. 2. Painting executed on dry plaster: fresco secco. {Italian: dry} II. /ˈsɛkoʊ/ (say sekoh) noun → secko …  

  • Fresco —    A painting technique devised during antiquity to decorate the walls or ceilings of private and public buildings. It entails coating the pictorial surface with a layer of coarse lime plaster (arriccio) on which the intended scene is drawn using …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • FRESCO —    the art of painting on walls freshly laid with plaster, or which have been damped so as to permit of the colour sinking into the lime; there were two methods, the fresco secco and the fresco buon; in the first the wall was sprinkled with water …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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