
/foks"trot'/, v.i., fox-trotted, fox-trotting.
to dance a fox trot.

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      ballroom dance popular in Europe and America since its introduction around 1914. Allegedly named for the comedian Harry Fox, whose 1913 Ziegfeld Follies act included a trotting step, the fox-trot developed less strenuous walking steps for its ballroom version. The music, influenced by ragtime, is in 4/4 time with syncopated rhythm. The speed of the step varies with the music: half notes (minims) require slow steps; and quarter notes (crotchets), fast steps.

      The fox-trot consists primarily of walking steps, chassés (step side, close step), and quarter turns. Couples usually hold each other in the traditional ballroom position, but numerous variations are done in other positions. Fox-trots for fast music include the one-step (one walking step to each musical beat) popularized by Irene and Vernon Castle shortly after the dance's inception and the peabody (with a quick leg cross).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • FOX-TROT — FOX TR Danse de société, d’origine nord américaine (apparue vers 1912), de rythme binaire (mesure à 2 ou à 4 temps), de tempo rapide, avec pas marchés fortement accentués et pas de fantaisie précipités, pivotés ou croisés. Fox trot signifie… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fox|trot — fox trot, 1. a ballroom dance in in time having both slow and quick steps. 2. the music for it. 3. a gait (of a horse or other four footed animal) between a trot and a walk, made up of short steps. fox trot «FOKS TROT», intransitive verb,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fox trot — Fox Fox (f[o^]ks), n.; pl. {Foxes}. [AS. fox; akin to D. vos, G. fuchs, OHG. fuhs, foha, Goth. fa[ u]h[=o], Icel. f[=o]a fox, fox fraud; of unknown origin, cf. Skr. puccha tail. Cf. {Vixen}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A carnivorous animal of the genus… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fox trot — also fox trot, foxtrot, pace with short steps, such as a fox s, 1872, from FOX (Cf. fox) + TROT (Cf. trot). As a type of popular dance, from 1915 …   Etymology dictionary

  • fox trot — foxtrot fox trot . a ballroom dance for couples in quadruple time, combining short and long and fast and slow steps in fixed sequences. Syn: fox trot. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fox-trot — (ingl.) m. Baile de ritmo binario, de origen anglosajón, que fue muy popular en los años veinte. * * * foxtrot o fox trot. (Del ingl. fox trot, literalmente, paso del zorro ). m. Baile de ritmo cortado y alegre, originario de los Estados Unidos… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • fox trot — ☆ fox trot n. 1. a slow gait in which a horse moves its forelegs in a trot and its hind legs in a long striding pace 2. a) a dance for couples in 4/4 time with a variety of steps, both fast and slow b) the music for such a dance fox trot vi. fox… …   English World dictionary

  • fox-trot — foxtrot fox trot v. i. To dance the foxtrot. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fox-trot — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} danza a ritmo di ragtime inventata negli Stati Uniti nel 1912 e diffusasi in Europa nel primo dopoguerra {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1919. ETIMO: ingl. fox trot propr. passo della volpe , comp. di fox 1volpe e trot… …   Dizionario italiano

  • fox-trot — fox′ trot v. i. trot•ted, trot•ting mad to dance a fox trot • Etymology: 1915–20 …   From formal English to slang

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