
foodless, adj.foodlessness, n.
/foohd/, n.
1. any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
2. more or less solid nourishment, as distinguished from liquids.
3. a particular kind of solid nourishment: a breakfast food; dog food.
4. whatever supplies nourishment to organisms: plant food.
5. anything serving for consumption or use: food for thought.
[bef. 1000; ME fode, OE foda; cf. OE fedan, Goth fodjan to FEED; cf. FODDER1, FOSTER]
Syn. 1. nutriment, aliment, bread, sustenance, victuals; meat, viands; diet, menu. FOOD, FARE, PROVISIONS, RATION(S) all refer to nutriment. FOOD is the general word: Breakfast foods have become very popular. Many animals prefer grass as food. FARE refers to the whole range of foods that may nourish a person or animal: an extensive bill of fare; The fare of some animals is limited in range. PROVISIONS is applied to a store or stock of necessary things, esp. food, prepared beforehand: provisions for a journey. RATION implies an allotment or allowance of provisions: a daily ration for each man of a company. RATIONS often means food in general: to be on short rations.

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(as used in expressions)

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 material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy.

      Food is treated in a number of articles. For a description of the processes of absorption and utilization of food, see nutrition; nutrition, human; digestion; and digestive system, human. For information on the methods used to prepare raw foods for cooking, consumption, or storage, see food preservation.

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