flying gurnard

flying gurnard
any marine fish of the family Dactylopteridae, esp. Dactylopterus volitans, having greatly enlarged, colorful pectoral fins that enable it to glide short distances through the air. Also called butterflyfish, flying robin.

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marine fish
      any of a small group of marine fish comprising the family Dactylopteridae (or Cephalacanthidae) and the order Dactylopteriformes (sometimes placed in Scorpaeniformes). Flying gurnards are similar to the sea robins, or gurnards (family Triglidae, order Scorpaeniformes), and are sometimes considered as relatives of that group (see sea robin).

 Found in warm and tropical seas, flying gurnards are elongated fish with very large pectoral fins, each of which is divided into a shorter forward portion and a much larger, winglike posterior section. These fins are quite colourful; those of the Atlantic Dactylopterus volitans (see photograph—>), for example, are brightly spotted with blue. Flying gurnards are further characterized by a covering of bony plates on their heads and by a single dorsal fin ray, separate from the rest of the fin and located on the nape of the neck. Flying gurnards grow to a maximum length of about 50 cm (20 inches). They are bottom dwellers but are reportedly able to glide above the water for short distances on their outspread pectoral fins.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Flying gurnard — Flying Fly ing, a. [From {Fly}, v. i.] Moving in the air with, or as with, wings; moving lightly or rapidly; intended for rapid movement. [1913 Webster] {Flying army} (Mil.) a body of cavalry and infantry, kept in motion, to cover its own… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flying gurnard — n. any of an order (Dactylopteriformes) of marine bony fishes with winglike pectoral fins, capable of gliding in the air for short distances …   English World dictionary

  • flying gurnard — /flaɪɪŋ ˈgɜnəd/ (say fluying gernuhd) noun (plural flying gurnard or flying gurnards) any of several fishes of the family Dactylopteridae, as Dactylopena orientalis of eastern Australian waters, having winglike pectoral fins though apparently not …  

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  • flying gurnard — noun Date: 1792 any of several marine fishes (family Dactylopteridae) that resemble gurnards and have large pectoral fins allowing them to glide above the water for short distances …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flying gurnard — noun Any tropical marine fish of the family of Dactylopteridae having immense wing like pectoral fins used to glide through the water …   Wiktionary

  • flying gurnard — fly′ing gur′nard n. ich any marine fish of the family Dactylopteridae, esp. Dactylopterus volitans, having greatly enlarged, colorful pectoral fins that enable it to glide short distances through the air • Etymology: 1880–85 …   From formal English to slang

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  • Oriental flying gurnard — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum …   Wikipedia

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