
Sp. /flaw"rddes/ for 1; /flawr"is, -eez, flohr"-/ for 2; Port. /flaw"rddish/ for 3, n.
1. Juan José /hwahn haw se"/, 1800-64, Ecuadorian general and statesman: president 1830-35, 1839-45.
2. one of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia, separated from Sulawesi by the Flores Sea. ab. 200,000 with adjacent islands; 7753 sq. mi. (20,080 sq. km).
3. the westernmost island of the Azores, in the N Atlantic. 55 sq. mi. (142 sq. km).

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 city, northern Guatemala. It is located on San Andrés island in the southern part of Lake Petén Itzá, at an elevation of 449 feet (137 metres) above sea level. Once capital of the Itzá Maya, who successfully resisted Spanish attempts to conquer them until 1697, Flores is a major trade centre for the surrounding region. Chicle, timber, rubber, sugarcane, and cacao (the source of cocoa beans) are the principal products of the hinterland. Access to the city was very difficult until the opening of an airport on the mainland and the building of a causeway for road traffic. Roads lead from Flores across the surrounding area north and northwest to Mexico, east to Belize, and south to the Guatemalan highlands. It is the point of departure for expeditions to Tikal National Park and many other Mayan sites. The remaining Itzá Maya communities are concentrated in the Bio-Itzá Ecological Reserve north of Lake Petén Itzá. Pop. (2002) 16,122.

      one of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Nusa Tenggara Timur (East Nusa Tenggara) provinsi (province), Indonesia. The last major island in the chain, which extends eastward from Java, it is long and narrow, 5,500 square miles (14,250 square km) in area, and has numerous inlets and bays. The island's name is derived from the Portuguese designation for the island's eastern Cape KopondaiCabo de Flores (“Cape of Flowers”)—named for the flamboyants (Poinciana regia) found in profusion there. Flores is largely mountainous, especially in the west, where Mandasawu Peak reaches 7,900 feet (2,400 metres). Several active volcanoes are in the centre and east. Near Ende, historically the main city and once a mission centre, is Mount Kelimutu, themountain of the three coloured lakes.” In May 1974 a volcanic eruption on nearby Mount Iya caused one of the lakesthe blue-white oneto change to a reddish colour, similar to the other two. The island's interior has been little explored. The rivers are unnavigable. Most of the vegetation consists of either tropical deciduous forest or savanna, and the western end was formerly a haunt of a giant lizard.

      The indigenous people are mainly of mixed Malay-Papuan ancestry, more Malay in the west, more Papuan elsewhere, making the island a transitional area. Coastal settlers reflect immigration from many areas: there are Bimanese, Sumbanese, Sumbawanese, Buginese, Makasarese, Solorese, Minangkabau, and Javanese-Chinese at different sites on the coast of Flores. Although there are Muslims, primarily in coastal areas around Manggarai and Ende, and Christians, descendants of people converted by the Portuguese in the 16th century, the majority of the population still practice traditional animist religions. In the west, houses are built on terraces, often on piles; neat and regular in arrangement and surrounded by a bamboo hedge, they are divided into separate rooms for different families, with a sleeping passage for unmarried men and strangers. In the east, houses are smaller and inhabited by only one family, while in Ende they are square, roomy, and well built. Land generally is owned communally by the tribe, and the headman has great power.

      Agriculture is mainly by shifting cultivation; sticks are used to turn over the soil. The chief food crop is corn (maize), with commercial production of coconuts in coastal regions and of coffee in the hills. Frequent burning for field plots and for hunting, together with the semiarid climate, have reduced genuine forests to only a small area, the remainder being scrub and savanna. Most of the farmland on Flores is in temporary fields, with a much smaller portion in permanent wet rice fields. Most inhabitants are chronically underfed.

      Flores was once tributary to the princes of Celebes (Sulawesi); though their power was broken by the Dutch in 1667, the latter did not firmly establish civil government on the island until 1909. A fair-weather road (still more heavily utilized by horsedrawn carts than by motor vehicles) was completed in 1926 and traverses the island in a west-east direction; there is airline service to Ende on the southern coast and to Maumere on the northern coast.

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