
/flod"n/, n.
a hill in NE England, in Northumberland county: the invading Scots were disastrously defeated here by the English, 1513.

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  • Flodden — (Floddenfield), Dorf in der englischen Grafschaft Northumberland. In der Nähe schlugen 1513 die Engländer unter dem Grafen von Surry die Schotten unter König Jakob IV …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Flodden — [fläd′ n] hilly field in N Northumberland, England: site of a battle (1513) in which the English defeated James IV of Scotland …   English World dictionary

  • Flodden — noun 1. a hill in Northumberland where the invading Scots were defeated by the English in 1513 • Instance Hypernyms: ↑hill • Part Holonyms: ↑Northumberland 2. a battle in 1513; the English defeated the invading Scots and James IV was killed • Syn …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flodden — Flod|den , Flodden Field a hillside in Northumberland in the north of England, where there was a battle between England and Scotland in 1513. The Scots were severely defeated and their king, James IV, was killed …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Flodden — /ˈflɒdn/ (say flodn) noun a hill in Northumberland; the invading Scots were defeated here by the English, 1513. Also, Flodden Field …  

  • Flodden Field — (spr. fīld), Schlachtfeld bei Branxton auf der Grenze von Schottland und Northumberland, wo die Schotten unter Jakob IV. 9. Sept. 1513 von den Engländern geschlagen wurden …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Flodden Wall — The Flodden Wall was a defensive structure built around the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, after the disastrous Battle of Flodden (1513), in which King James IV was killed. The construction was a response to threatened English invasion after a war… …   Wikipedia

  • Flodden, Battle of — (Sept. 9, 1513) English victory over the Scots, fought in Flodden Field, near Branxton, Northumberland, Eng. To honour his alliance with France and divert troops from the main English army, then in France under Henry VIII, James IV of Scotland… …   Universalium

  • Flodden, batalla de — (9 sep. 1513). Victoria de los ingleses sobre los escoceses en el campo de Flodden, cerca de Branxton, Northumberland, Inglaterra. El rey Jacobo IV de Escocia cruzó la frontera inglesa el 22 de agosto con un ejército de 30.000 hombres aprox.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • FLODDEN, BATTLE OF —    fought on Flodden Hill, a low spur of the Cheviots, 6 m. S. of Coldstream, between James IV. of Scotland and the English under the Earl of Surrey on the 9th of September 1513, which resulted in the crushing defeat of the Scots, who lost their… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Flodden — geographical name hill N England in N Northumberland near Scottish border …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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