- film
—filmlike, adj./film/, n.1. a thin layer or coating: a film of grease on a plate.2. a thin sheet of any material: a film of ice.3. a thin skin or membrane.4. a delicate web of filaments or fine threads.5. a thin haze, blur, or mist.6. Photog.a. a cellulose nitrate or cellulose acetate composition made in thin sheets or strips and coated with a sensitive emulsion for taking photographs.b. a strip or roll of this.c. the coating of emulsion on such a sheet or strip or on a photographic plate.7. Motion Pictures.a. a strip of transparent material, usually cellulose triacetate, covered with a photographic emulsion and perforated along one or both edges, intended for the recording and reproduction of images.b. a similar perforated strip covered with an iron oxide emulsion (magfilm), intended for the recording and reproduction of both images and sound.8. Often, films,a. motion pictures collectively.b. the motion-picture industry, or its productions, operations, etc.c. motion pictures, as a genre of art or entertainment: experimental film.v.t.9. to cover with a film, thin skin, or pellicle: filmed eyes.10. Motion Pictures.a. to photograph with a motion-picture camera.b. to reproduce in the form of motion pictures: to film a novel.v.i.11. to become covered by a film: The water filmed over with ice.12. Motion Pictures.a. to be reproduced in a motion picture, esp. in a specified manner: This story films easily.b. to direct, make, or otherwise engage in the production of motion pictures.[bef. 1000; 1890-95 for def. 6; 1900-05 for def. 7; ME filme, OE filmen membrane; akin to FELL4]
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(as used in expressions)black filmNational Film Board of CanadaTwentieth Century Fox Film Corp.* * *
Universalium. 2010.