
/fel"ting/, n.
1. felted material, either woven or felt fabric.
2. the act or process of making felt.
3. the materials of which felt is made.
[1680-90; FELT2 + -ING1]

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Process that mats together fleece (raw wool) by subjecting it to moisture, heat, friction, and pressure.

Sheep hair have scales that open somewhat when wet; layering hairs in a parallel fashion and applying some form of agitation cause the hairs to tighten together in a solid mat. The result is a lightweight, windproof, and water-resistant fabric that has been used for millennia to make hats, boots, and tents. Light felting is sometimes done to woven or knitted wool, a process known as fulling, to create a thicker and softer fabric.

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▪ textiles
      consolidation of certain fibrous materials by the application of heat, moisture, and mechanical action, causing the interlocking, or matting, of fibres possessing felting properties. Such fibres include wool, fur, and certain hair fibres that mat together under appropriate conditions because of their peculiar structure and high degree of crimp (waviness). Wool can produce felting even when mixed with other fibres. Unlike bonded fabrics, felts do not require an adhesive substance for their production.

      Woven fabrics made of cotton or wool may be felted, making them thicker and more compact. Such fabrics, sometimes called woven felts, resemble true felts and serve many of the same purposes.

      Felt is widely used in the hat industry. It is also used to make slippers and as a novelty fabric for garments and drapery. Felt padding is employed in both apparel and furniture. Industrial applications include insulation, packaging, and polishing materials. A special woven felt manufactured for the use of the paper industry serves as a carrying belt for moist paper.

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