
federally, adv.federalness, n.
/fed"euhr euhl/, adj.
1. pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a central government distinct from the individual governments of the separate states: the federal government of the U.S.
2. of, pertaining to, or noting such a central government: federal offices.
3. (cap.) U.S. Hist.
a. of or pertaining to the Federalists or to the Federalist party.
b. supporting the principles of the Federalist party.
c. (in the Civil War) pertaining to or supporting the Union government.
d. relating to or adhering to the support of the Constitution.
4. (cap.) pertaining to or designating the styles of the decorative arts and architecture current in the U.S. from c1780 to c1830.
5. of or pertaining to a compact or a league, esp. a league between nations or states.
6. an advocate of federation or federalism.
7. (cap.) U.S. Hist.
a. a Federalist.
b. an adherent of the Union government during the Civil War; Unionist.
c. a soldier in the Federal army.
[1635-45; earlier foederal < L foeder- (s. of foedus) league + -AL1]

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(as used in expressions)
Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

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