
/fee"cheuhr/, n., v., featured, featuring.
1. a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic: Tall buildings were a new feature on the skyline.
2. something offered as a special attraction: This model has several added features.
3. Also called feature film. the main motion picture in a movie program: What time is the feature?
4. any part of the face, as the nose, chin, or eyes: prominent features.
5. features, the face; countenance: to compose one's features for the photographers.
6. the form or cast of the face: delicate of feature.
7. a column, cartoon, etc., appearing regularly in a newspaper or magazine.
9. Archaic. make, form, or shape.
10. to be a feature or distinctive mark of: It was industrial expansion that featured the last century.
11. to make a feature of; give prominence to: to feature a story or picture in a newspaper.
12. to delineate the main characteristics of; depict; outline.
13. Informal. to conceive of; imagine; fancy: He couldn't quite feature himself as a bank president.
14. Older Use. to resemble in features; favor.
15. to play a major part.
[1350-1400; 1905-10 for def. 3; ME feture < AF, MF faiture < L factura a making. See FACT, -URE]
Syn. 1. FEATURE, CHARACTERISTIC, PECULIARITY refer to a distinctive trait of an individual or of a class. FEATURE suggests an outstanding or marked property that attracts attention: Complete harmony was a feature of the convention. CHARACTERISTIC means a distinguishing mark or quality (or one of such) always associated in one's mind with a particular person or thing: Defiance is one of his characteristics. PECULIARITY means that distinct or unusual characteristic that marks off an individual in the class to which he, she, or it belongs: A blue-black tongue is a peculiarity of the chow chow.

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