Faraday effect

Faraday effect
the rotation of the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light as the light passes through certain isotropic media in the direction of a strong magnetic field in which the medium is placed. Also called magnetic rotation.
[1885-90; named after M. FARADAY]

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      in physics, the rotation of the plane of polarization (plane of vibration) of a light beam by a magnetic field. Michael Faraday (Faraday, Michael), an English scientist, first observed the effect in 1845 when studying the influence of a magnetic field on plane-polarized light waves. (Light waves vibrate in two planes at right angles to one another, and passing ordinary light through certain substances eliminates the vibration in one plane.) He discovered that the plane of vibration is rotated when the light path and the direction of the applied magnetic field are parallel. The Faraday effect occurs in many solids, liquids, and gases. The magnitude of the rotation depends upon the strength of the magnetic field, the nature of the transmitting substance, and Verdet's constant, which is a property of the transmitting substance, its temperature, and the frequency of the light. The direction of rotation is the same as the direction of current flow in the wire of the electromagnet, and therefore if the same beam of light is reflected back and forth through the medium, its rotation is increased each time.

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