
/ik strooh"zheuhn/, n.
1. the act of extruding or the state of being extruded.
2. something that is extruded.
[1530-40; < ML extrusion- (s. of extrusio), equiv. to L extrus(us) (ptp. of extrudere to EXTRUDE) + -ion- -ION]

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Process in which metal or other material is forced through a series of dies to create desired shapes.

Many ceramics are manufactured by extrusion, because the process allows efficient, continuous production. In a commercial screw-type extruder, a screw auger continuously forces the plastic feed material through an orifice or die, resulting in simple shapes such as cylindrical rods and pipes, rectangular solid and hollow bars, and long plates. In metalworking, extrusion converts a billet of metal into a length of uniform cross-section by forcing the billet through the orifice of a die; aluminum is easily extruded. Formed sheet aluminum is used for opaque curtain-wall panels and window frames.

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