
/ik spoh"zheuhr/, n.
1. the act of exposing.
2. the fact or state of being exposed.
3. disclosure, as of something private or secret: the exposure of their invasion plans.
4. an act or instance of revealing or unmasking, as an impostor, crime, or fraud: the exposure of graft and corruption.
5. presentation to view, esp. in an open or public manner: His exposure of his anger shocked the company.
6. a laying open or subjecting to the action or influence of something: exposure to the measles; The exposure of his theories to ridicule destroyed his self-confidence.
7. the condition of being exposed without protection to the effects of harsh weather, esp. the cold: to suffer from exposure.
8. Photog.
a. the act of presenting a photosensitive surface to rays of light.
b. the total amount of light received by a photosensitive surface or an area of such a surface, expressed as the product of the degree of illumination and the period of illumination.
c. the image resulting from the effects of light rays on a photosensitive surface.
9. situation with regard to sunlight or wind; aspect: a southern exposure.
10. a putting out or deserting, esp. of a child, without shelter or protection; abandonment.
11. something exposed, as to view; an exposed surface: exposures of rock.
12. public appearance, esp. on the mass media.
13. a prominent, often overextended position or commitment, as in investment, that is considered precarious and risky: The bank was nervous about its exposure in Iran.
[1595-1605; EXPOSE + -URE]
Syn. 3. divulgement, revelation, exposé. 5. display.
Ant. 1. concealment.

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