evil eye

evil eye
evil-eyed, adj.
1. a look thought capable of inflicting injury or bad luck on the person at whom it is directed.
2. the power, superstitiously attributed to certain persons, of inflicting injury or bad luck by such a look.
[bef. 1000; ME, OE]

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Superstition holding that a glance can cause injury or death to those on whom it falls.

The belief was found in ancient Greece and Rome as well as in folk cultures around the world, and it has persisted into modern times. Children and animals are believed to be particularly vulnerable. The evil eye is often thought to stem from envy and malice toward prosperity and beauty, and thus in many cultures unguarded praise of one's possessions or children is thought to invite misfortune. Safeguards include amulets, charms, and sacred texts; in Asia children may have their faces blackened for protection.

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      glance believed to have the ability to cause injury or death to those on whom it falls; pregnant women, children, and animals are thought to be particularly susceptible. Belief in the evil eye is ancient and ubiquitous; it occurred in ancient Greece (ancient Greek civilization) and Rome (ancient Rome), in Jewish (Judaism), Islamic (Islām), Buddhist (Buddhism), and Hindu (Hinduism) traditions, and in indigenous, peasant, and other folk societies (folk society), and it has persisted throughout the world into modern times. Those most often accused of casting the evil eye include strangers, malformed individuals, childless women, and old women.

      The power of the evil eye is sometimes held to be involuntary; a Slavic folktale, for example, relates the story of a father afflicted with the evil eye who blinded himself in order to avoid injuring his own children. More frequently, however, malice toward and envy of prosperity and beauty are thought to be the cause. Thus, in medieval Europe it was considered unlucky to be praised or to have one's children or possessions praised, so some qualifying phrase such asas God willorGod bless itwas commonly used.

      Measures taken to ward off the evil eye vary widely between cultures. For example, some authorities suggest that the purpose of ritual cross-dressinga practice that has been noted in the marriage ceremonies of parts of Indiais to avert the evil eye. Asian children sometimes have their faces blackened, especially near the eyes, for protection. Among some Asian and African peoples the evil eye is particularly dreaded while eating and drinking, because soul loss is thought to be more prevalent when the mouth is open; in these cultures, the ingestion of substances is either a solitary activity or takes place only with the immediate family and behind locked doors. Other means of protection, common to many traditions, include the consumption of protective foodstuffs or decoctions; the wearing of sacred texts, amulets, charms, or talismans (which may also be hung upon animals for their protection); the use of certain hand gestures; and the display of ritual drawings or objects.

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