- euchred
utterly done in or at the end of one's tether; exhausted.[1865-70; EUCHRE + -ED2]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
euchred — ˈyükə(r)d adjective Etymology: origin unknown dialect : made slightly tart by an acid or spice euchred figs * * * /yooh keuhrd/, adj. Australian Informal. utterly done in or at the end of one s tether; exhausted. [1865 70; EUCHRE + ED … Useful english dictionary
Euchred — beaten; exhausted … Dictionary of Australian slang
euchred — Australian Slang beaten; exhausted … English dialects glossary
euchred — eu·chre || juËkÉ™ n. type of trick taking card game (similar to ecarte) for two to four players, played with the 32 highest cards and its goal is to take three tricks to win a hand v. prevent another player from taking three tricks ((in euchre… … English contemporary dictionary
euchred — eu·chred … English syllables
euchred — /ˈjukəd/ (say yoohkuhd) adjective Colloquial beaten; exhausted …
be euchred — v. (Canadian Slang) be exhausted; be ruined … English contemporary dictionary
be euchred — Austral. & Canadian informal be exhausted or ruined. → euchre … English new terms dictionary
Euchre — Infobox CardGame title = Euchre subtitle = image link = image caption = A five card Euchre hand holding the five highest cards in sequence (from lowest to highest, left to right), assuming spades is the trump suit. alt names = type = trick taking … Wikipedia
euchre — /yooh keuhr/, n., v., euchred, euchring. n. 1. Cards. a game played by two, three, or four persons, usually with the 32, but sometimes with the 28 or 24, highest cards in the pack. 2. an instance of euchring or being euchred. v.t. 3. to get the… … Universalium