Espírito Santo

Espírito Santo
/es pee"rddee too sahonn"too/
a state in E Brazil. 2,063,610; 15,196 sq. mi. (39,360 sq. km). Cap.: Vitória.

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      estado (state) on the east coast of Brazil. It is bounded to the north by the state of Bahia, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the state of Rio de Janeiro, and to the west and north by the state of Minas Gerais. Its area includes the uninhabited offshore islands of Trindade and Martin Vaz. Vitória, the port and capital city, stands on an island in the Bay of Espírito Santo, the only bay on the coast.

      Espírito Santo formed part of one of the captaincies given by the Portuguese crown to the explorer Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, who, on May 23, 1535, first landed on the future site of Vitória. In 1799 Espírito Santo became an independent captaincy, in 1824 a province of the Brazilian Empire, and in 1889 a state of the newly formed federal republic.

      The relief is characterized by the low mountain ranges of the Aimorés Mountains on the western border and by isolated groups of hills on the eastern coastal plains. The most important riversthe Doce (Doce River), São Mateus, and Itapemirimflow eastward across the state to the ocean; navigation on these rivers is hampered by their irregular rate of flow, as well as by falls, rapids, and sandbars.

      The state is today sparsely forested, as most of the forests that formerly supplied Brazil with a substantial proportion of its exports of rosewood and other cabinet woods have now been destroyed.

      With the exception of the sandy plains and swamps of the coastal strip, the soil is generally fertile. Repeated plantings of the same crops have, however, exhausted some soils, and many fields have been converted to pasture land. The climate of the coastal zone and the valleys is hot and humid. In the highlands the temperature is lower, and the climate more comfortable. Rainfall, which averages about 50 inches (1,270 mm) a year, is heavier from October to March.

      The population is predominantly of European ancestry, but those of African, mulatto (mixed African and European), and caboclo (mixed European and Indian) ancestry are also found in high proportions. The population is unevenly distributed. The largest and most populous cities and towns are Vitória, Itaquari, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Colatina, and Vila Velha. The overwhelming majority of the population are Roman Catholic, although Protestants of all denominations and Spiritualists are also represented. Portuguese is the mother tongue of almost the entire population.

      Campaigns against infectious diseases have been successfully pursued. Yellow fever and smallpox have been eliminated, and malaria has been virtually eradicated. The inroads of tuberculosis have also been greatly reduced. Since 1950 the death rate has dropped sharply.

      Primary education is administered by the state but is largely subsidized by the federal government. In the late 20th century the state embarked on an extensive school-building program, as well as on a vigorous literacy campaign. Secondary schools are distributed throughout the state; there are two medical schools in Vitória.

      Agriculture remains the leading economic activity; coffee, cacao, sugarcane, rice, and corn (maize) are the principal products. Cattle raising is important, with beef cattle generally being raised in the north and dairy cattle in the south. Poultry farming is becoming increasingly important, as is industry, especially food processing. Espírito Santo has two railwaysone connecting Vitória with Rio de Janeiro to the southwest and one that moves iron ore from the mines of Minas Gerais for export through the port of Tubarão near Vitória. The state is crisscrossed by an extensive road network, and Vitória airport is capable of handling small jet aircraft.

      There are several radio stations and television stations in the state; Vitória has many cultural institutions. Local festivals usually are of a religious nature, and local folklore is deeply rooted in Portuguese and African traditions. Area 17,791 square miles (46,078 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 3,464,285.

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Universalium. 2010.

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