
cu·pel·la·tion (kyo͞o'pə-lāʹshən) n.
A refining process for nonoxidizing metals, such as silver and gold, in which a metallic mixture is oxidized at high temperatures and base metals are separated by absorption into the walls of a cupel.

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Separation of gold or silver from impurities by melting the impure metal in a cupel (a flat, porous dish made of a refractory material) and directing a blast of hot air on it in a special furnace.

The impurities, including lead, copper, tin, and other unwanted metals, are oxidized and partly vaporized and partly absorbed into the pores of the cupel.

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      separation of gold or silver from impurities by melting the impure metal in a cupel (a flat, porous dish made of a refractory, or high-temperature-resistant, material) and then directing a blast of hot air on it in a special furnace. The impurities, including lead, copper, tin, and other unwanted metals, are oxidized and partly vaporized and partly absorbed into the pores of the cupel.

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  • Cupellation — is a metallurgical process in which ores or alloyed metals are treated under high temperatures and carefully controlled operations in order to separate noble metals, like gold and silver, from base metals like lead, copper, zinc, arsenic,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cupellation — Cu pel*la tion (k[=u] p[e^]l*l[=a] sh[u^]n) n. [See {Cupel}.] The act or process of refining gold or silver, etc., in a cupel. [1913 Webster] Note: The process consist in exposing the cupel containing the metal to be assayed or refined to a hot… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • cupellation — noun Date: circa 1691 refinement (as of gold or silver) in a cupel by exposure to high temperature in a blast of air by which the unwanted metals are oxidized …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cupellation — noun /kjuːpəˈleɪʃən/ The assaying of precious metal in a cupel …   Wiktionary

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  • cupellation — /kjupəˈleɪʃən/ (say kyoohpuh layshuhn) noun the process of separating noble metals, especially gold and silver, from impurities by subjecting the impure metal to a blast of hot air in a cupel …  

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