
/ay resh"kee'gahl, er'esh kig"euhl/, n.
the Sumerian and Akkadian goddess of death; consort of Nergal.
Also, Ereshkigel /ay resh"kee'gel, er'esh kig"euhl/.

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In Mesopotamian religion, the goddess of the underworld.

Her chief enemy was her sister Ishtar, a fertility goddess and guardian of life. Namtar, the death-bringing demon, was her offspring and servant. Her cult extended to Egypt, Arabia, and Asia Minor.

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Mesopotamian goddess
      in Mesopotamian religion, goddess in the Sumero-Akkadian pantheon who was Lady of the Great Place (i.e., the abode of the dead) and in texts of the 3rd millennium BC wife of the god Ninazu (elsewhere accounted her son); in later texts she was the wife of Nergal. Ereshkigal's sister was Inanna (Ishtar) (Akkadian: Ishtar), and between the two there was great enmity. In the rendezvous of the dead, Ereshkigal reigned in her palace, on the watch for lawbreakers and on guard over the fount of life lest any of her subjects take of it and so escape her rule. Her offspring and servant was Namtar, the evil demon, Death. Her power extended to earth where, in magical ceremony, she liberated the sick possessed of evil spirits.

      Ereshkigal's cult extended to Asia Minor, Egypt, and southern Arabia. In Mesopotamia the chief temple known to be dedicated to her was at Cuthah.

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