
/i kwip"meuhnt/, n.
1. anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose.
2. the act of equipping a person or thing.
3. the state of being equipped.
4. the personal knowledge and skill required for a task, occupation, etc.: He has the necessary equipment for law.
5. the rolling stock of a railroad.
[1710-20; EQUIP + -MENT]
Syn. 1. apparatus, paraphernalia, accouterment.

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  • Equipment — E*quip ment, n. [Cf. F. [ e]quipement. See {Equip}.] 1. The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition. Burke. [1913 Webster] The equipment of the fleet was hastened by De Witt. Hume. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • equipment — 1717, “things equipped;” 1748, “action of equipping;” from EQUIP (Cf. equip) + MENT (Cf. ment), or from Fr. équipement. Superseding earlier EQUIPAGE (Cf. equipage) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • equipment — [ē kwip′mənt, ikwip′mənt] n. 1. an equipping or being equipped 2. whatever a person, group, or thing is equipped with; the special things needed for some purpose; supplies, furnishings, apparatus, etc. 3. goods used in providing service, esp. in… …   English World dictionary

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