- equal
adj.1. as great as; the same as (often fol. by to or with): The velocity of sound is not equal to that of light.2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.: two students of equal brilliance.3. evenly proportioned or balanced: an equal contest.4. uniform in operation or effect: equal laws.5. adequate or sufficient in quantity or degree: The supply is equal to the demand.6. having adequate powers, ability, or means: He was equal to the task.7. level, as a plain.8. tranquil or undisturbed: to confront death with an equal mind.9. impartial or equitable.n.10. a person or thing that is equal.v.t.11. to be or become equal to; meet or match: So far the rate of production doesn't equal the demand. If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C.12. to make or do something equal to: No matter how he tries, he can't equal his brother's achievements.13. Archaic. to make equal; equalize.14. Obs. to recompense fully.Syn. 2. proportionate, commensurate, coordinate, correspondent. EQUAL, EQUIVALENT, TANTAMOUNT imply a correspondence between two or more things. EQUAL indicates a correspondence in all respects or in a particular respect: A dime is equal to 10 cents (that is, in purchasing power). EQUIVALENT indicates a correspondence in one or more respects, but not in all: An egg is said to be the equivalent of a pound of meat in nutritive value. TANTAMOUNT, a word of limited application, is used of immaterial things that are equivalent: The prisoner's refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt. 4. even, uniform, regular, unvarying, invariant. 6. suited, fitted. 10. peer, compeer, match, mate, fellow.
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(as used in expressions)equal field system* * *
Universalium. 2010.