
/i fee"beuhs/, n., pl. ephebi /-buy/.
a youth of ancient Greece just entering manhood or commencing training for full Athenian citizenship.
[ < L; see EPHEBE]

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ancient Greek institution
      in ancient Greece, any male who had attained the age of puberty. In Athens it acquired a technical sense, referring to young men aged 1820. From about 335 BC they underwent two years of military training under the supervision of an elected kosmetes and 10 sōphronistai (“chasteners”). At the end of the first year each ephebus received a sword and shield from the state; probably at this stage he took the ephebic oath. During their service, ephebi were exempt from civic duties and deprived of most civic rights. During the 3rd century BC, ephebic service ceased to be compulsory and the duration was reduced to one year. The ephebia became an institution for the wealthy classes only. By the 1st century BC foreigners were admitted, and the curriculum was expanded to include philosophic and literary studies, although the military character of the ephebia was not wholly lost. The system began to decay late in the 3rd century AD. In other Hellenistic cities the term ephebi was applied to youths aged 1517.

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