
/en'skheuh day"/, n.
a city in E Netherlands. 144,346.

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The Netherlands
      gemeente (municipality), eastern Netherlands, on the Twente Canal, near the German border, comprising the villages of Lonneker, Glanerbrug, and Boekelo and the town of Enschede. Chartered in 1325, it was a small village until the industrial development of the Twente district in the 19th century. It became the largest town in Overijssel and the centre of the Dutch cotton-textile industry. Today it is a rail junction with a canal harbour. Metallurgy and the manufacture of rubber goods and tires are also important. Destroyed by fire in 1862 and badly damaged in World War II, Enschede has been rebuilt in modern style. Twente military airport, 3.5 miles (5.6 km) to the north, is also used for domestic commercial transport. The town's principal features are the town hall (1933), the municipal theatre (1955), the Twente National Museum, the natural history museum and vivarium, the Roman Catholic and Dutch Reformed churches, and the modern synagogue. There is a technical school for textiles, as well as the University of Twente (1961), and Enschede is the triennial meeting place of De Kogge, an association of Dutch, Flemish, and German writers. Boekelo is a summer resort. Enschede metropolitan area is contiguous with Hengelo. Pop. (2007 est.) 154,476.

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