
/en'hahr mon"ik/, adj. Music.
having the same pitch in the tempered scale but written in different notation, as G sharp and A flat.
[1590-1600; < LL enharmonicus < Gk enarmónios (-icus r. -ios), equiv. to en- EN-1 + harmoní(a) HARMONY + -os adj. suffix]

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      in the system of equal temperament tuning used on keyboard instruments, two tones that sound the same but are notated (spelled) differently. Pitches such as F♯ and G♭ are said to be enharmonic equivalents; both are sounded with the same key on a keyboard instrument. The same is true of intervals, which are always named according to their notation: A♭F♯ is an augmented sixth, while A♭G♭ and G♯F♯ are both minor sevenths; all are enharmonically equivalent. C♯ major (which has a key signature with seven sharps) and D♭ major (with five flats) are enharmonically the same key; D♭ major is considered easier to read and thus is much more commonly used than C♯ major. Enharmonic tones and intervals are often components of pivot chords in modulation (change of key), especially if the composer is changing from a key notated in flats to one notated in sharps (or vice versa).

      In earlier systems of tuning, such as just intonation and meantone temperament, the pitch of enharmonic tones was not identical; C♯ sounded lower than D♭ by about one-fifth of a tone. Players of wind and string instruments are constantly aware of intonational differences, especially when these require different fingering. For instance, on stringed instruments, the note A♭ moving to G is perceptibly lower than G♯ moving to A.

Mark DeVoto

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Universalium. 2010.

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