
/en"deuh mawrf'/, n.
1. a mineral enclosed within another mineral. Cf. perimorph.
2. a person of the endomorphic type.
[1880-85; ENDO- + -MORPH]

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physical type
      a human physical type (somatotype) tending toward roundness, as determined by the physique classification system developed by American psychologist W.H. Sheldon (Sheldon, William). The extreme endomorph has a body as nearly globular as humanly possible; he has a round head, a large, round abdomen, large internal organs relative to his size, rather short arms and legs with fat upper arms and thighs, but slender wrists and ankles. Under normal conditions the endormorphic individual has a great deal of body fat, but he is not simply a fat person; if starved, he remains an endomorph, only thinner. Compare ectomorph; mesomorph.

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  • Endomorph — En do*morph, n. [Endo + Gr. morfh form.] (Min.) A crystal of one species inclosed within one of another, as one of rutile inclosed in quartz. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • endomorph — 1940 as one of W.H. Sheldon s three types of human bodies, from ENDO (Cf. endo ) + Gk. morphe form (see MORPHEUS (Cf. Morpheus)). Related: Endomorphic …   Etymology dictionary

  • endomorph — [en′dō môrf΄] n. [ ENDO + MORPH] 1. a mineral, esp. a crystal, enclosed within another 2. a person of the endomorphic physical type …   English World dictionary

  • Endomorph — Ein Körperbautyp bezeichnet einen somatischen Konstitutionstypen. Im engeren Sinn meint man einen der drei Somatotypen: ektomorph, mesomorph oder endomorph. Diese Begriffe gehen auf die Typologie William Sheldons zurück. Die Begriffe tauchen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • endomorph — noun /ˈɛndəʊmɔːf,ˈɛndoʊmɔːrf,ˈɛndəmɔːrf/ a) A mineral, especially a crystal, enclosed within another b) A person of the endomorphic physical type characterised by big bones, round face, large trunk and thighs and a naturally high degree of body… …   Wiktionary

  • endomorph — noun Etymology: endoderm + morph Date: 1940 an endomorphic individual …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • endomorph — A constitutional body type or build (biotype or somatotype) in which tissues that originated in the endoderm prevail; from a morphological standpoint, the trunk predominates over the limbs. SYN: brachytype. [endo + G. morphe, form] * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • endomorph — en|do|mọrph <Adj.> [zu griech. morphe̅ = Gestalt, Form]: 1. (Geol.) die Endomorphose betreffend, durch sie hervorgerufen: e Wirkungen (durch ein Nebengestein bewirkte Veränderungen in einem Eruptivgestein bei der Erstarrung). 2. die… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • endomorph — en|do|mọrph 〈Adj.〉 1. 〈Geol.〉 die Endomorphose betreffend, durch sie verursacht; Ggs.: exomorph 2. 〈Med.〉 die Endomorphie betreffend; →a. s. pyknisch [Etym.: <endo… + …morph] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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