
emptiable, adj.emptier, n.emptily, adv.emptiness, n.
/emp"tee/, adj., emptier, emptiest, v., emptied, emptying, n., pl. empties.
1. containing nothing; having none of the usual or appropriate contents: an empty bottle.
2. vacant; unoccupied: an empty house.
3. without cargo or load: an empty wagon.
4. destitute of people or human activity: We walked along the empty streets of the city at night.
5. destitute of some quality or qualities; devoid (usually fol. by of): Theirs is a life now empty of happiness.
6. without force, effect, or significance; hollow; meaningless: empty compliments; empty pleasures.
7. not employed in useful activity or work; idle: empty summer days.
8. Math. (of a set) containing no elements; null; void.
9. hungry: I'm feeling rather empty - let's have lunch.
10. without knowledge or sense; frivolous; foolish: an empty head.
11. completely spent of emotion: The experience had left him with an empty heart.
12. to make empty; deprive of contents; discharge the contents of: to empty a bucket.
13. to discharge (contents): to empty the water out of a bucket.
14. to become empty: The room emptied rapidly after the lecture.
15. to discharge contents, as a river: The river empties into the sea.
16. Informal. something that is empty, as a box, bottle, or can: Throw the empties into the waste bin.
[bef. 900; ME (with intrusive -p-); OE aemettig vacant (aemett(a) leisure (ae- A-3 + Gmc *motitho accommodation; cf. MUST1, MEET1) + -ig -Y1)]
Syn. 1. vacuous. EMPTY, VACANT, BLANK, VOID denote absence of content or contents. EMPTY means without appropriate or accustomed contents: an empty refrigerator. VACANT is usually applied to that which is temporarily unoccupied: a vacant chair; three vacant apartments. BLANK applies to surfaces free from any marks or lacking appropriate markings, openings, etc.: blank paper; a blank wall. VOID emphasizes completely unfilled space with vague, unspecified, or no boundaries: void and without form. 6. delusive, vain. 12. unload, unburden.
Ant. 1. full.

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  • empty — [emp′tē] adj. emptier, emptiest [ME emti & (with intrusive p ) empti < OE æmettig, unoccupied, lit., at leisure < æmetta, leisure (< æ , without + base of motan, to have to: see MUST1) + ig, Y2] 1. containing nothing; having nothing in… …   English World dictionary

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  • empty — c.1200, from O.E. æmettig at leisure, not occupied, unmarried, from æmetta leisure, from æ not + metta, from motan to have (see MIGHT (Cf. might)). The p is a euphonic insertion. Sense evolution from at leisure to empty is paralleled in several… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Empty — Emp ty, n.; pl. {Empties}. An empty box, crate, cask, etc.; used in commerce, esp. in transportation of freight; as, special rates for empties. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Empty — Emp ty, v. i. 1. To discharge itself; as, a river empties into the ocean. [1913 Webster] 2. To become empty. The chapel empties. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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